WTP Treatment Plant

Sand filtration

Sand filters purify water by removing suspended particles, making it safe for use. As water passes through, dirt and solids are absorbed or encapsulated. Media like pebbles, silica sand, and anthracite do the job effectively.

Carbon filtration

Activated carbon filters purify water by removing chlorine, organic compounds, and odors, ensuring it's safe for various uses. Ideal for potable water and industrial applications.

Water Softener

Water softening is a process in which the ions of calcium, magnesium are removed. so cover to hard water to soft water by ion exchange method by using Resin.

Iron Remover

Rotten egg odor or reddish-brown water indicates excessive iron. Rusty pipes exacerbate the issue. High iron levels pose risks, leading to costly maintenance and discoloration of water and fixtures.

Demineralized plant (DM)

A DM plant achieves near-total removal of ionic mineral contaminants. It employs Commercial RO or reverse osmosis methods based on facility requirements. Demineralization ensures highly purified water for various industrial applications.

Ultra filtration water treatment system

AUltrafiltration (UF) plants are desihned to treat ground water, surface water, tertiary treated effulent, storm water or wastewater with turbudity < 300NTU.